Our manufacturing client did not have to endure the slow and laborious task of measuring their entire facility by hand. Instead, we scanned the client's warehouse in only 20 minutes with 3 different set-ups. From these scans, our team was able to glean every measurement and dimension of the warehouse, including the square footage. In addition to the efficient use of time and resources, the level of detail we are able to produce from our Leica RTC360 scan data is unrivalled.
Using the scan data from our Leica RTC360, our team quickly created a detailed 3D model of the warehouse in AutoDesk. The 3D scanner's precision allowed us to get the best measurements possible in a much shorter time. Our client was able to use our 3D model to manage assets, redesign layouts, and have a greater insight into their space.
The scanner we use is a Leica RTC360 3D Laser Scanner, which can capture every detail of your space. It offers full 360 degree HDR imaging and can scan up to 2M points per second. With our scanner, we can take a room's every measurement within only a couple of minutes.
The millions of scanned data points get stitched into a cloud of points which encompasses your space in real time. This rich data allows our team to create near-perfect dimensional models of anything you desire much quicker than traditional measurement methods.
Do you have a space to scan? Drop us a line and we will promptly come scan it for you, or you can rent our Leica RTC360 and capture every detail yourself!
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